...To protect the Orthodox Church, Her Faith and Traditions that were given by Jesus Christ, Our Lord to His Holy Apostles, and the Fathers.
...To extend a hand of charity and brotherhood in Christ our God to all Orthodox Christian faithful.
...To call back Hispanics and Westerners to their ancestral Church of the first millenium.
...All for the Glory of our Triune God, for the salvation of man and the restoration of creation.
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The Mission of St Eulalia was established with the blessing of our Bishop, Metropolitan JOHN of New York and New Jersey.
The Orthodox Faith was victoriously proclaimed in Spain in the VI and VII centuries, when the the rule of the Hispanic Church was codified with its own faith, ritual, and administration in the Western world. This autonomy was lost in the 11th century with the schism of the Pope of Rome.
For this reason, in 1984 Archbishop Auxentios of Athens established the Autonomous Synod of Western Europe and the Americas, returning Orthodox Bishops to their sees and autonomy to their faithful. We use the Orthodox Western Rite (according to the Hispanic use), and we are part of the Orthodox Church, united with the Holy Fathers of the Hispanic Church before the 11th century.
Our mission uses a domestic chapel and reads "dry masses" (known as "typica" or priestless services). We also receive visits and assistance from our Archbishop John of New York and New Jersey
Orthodox Mission of Saint Eulalia (Western Rite)
Yonkers, New York, USA
Tel. 914-979-1259
Yonkers, New York, USA
Tel. 914-979-1259